AUC's AGM & Elections: April 26/2025

Date: April 26, 2025
Time: 11 AM - 1 PM
Where: Percy Page Centre, 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton, AB, Boardroom 3, use Rear Security Door (SE). OR
ATTEND VIA ZOOM - for current AUC Members only, for link: e-mail:
What: Agenda includes: presentation of reports, financial statements for the previous fiscal year, summary of programs & activities, plus election of board members and officers as required each year (alternating).
Who: All current members of the Alberta Underwater Council welcome, please contact us to check the status of your membership and get renewed if needed (must be current member of at least 6 months to vote, nominate or run for a position on the AUC Board).
Cost: there is no charge
Hosted By: Alberta Underwater Council
RSVP to: Or RSVP Via our TIDY HQ system here.
Note: Location: IN PERSON at Boardroom #3 (Via Rear Security Door), Percy Page Centre, 11759 Groat Road.
OR ATTEND VIA ZOOM: Current Members join via a ZOOM Link BUT must first contact AUC Office to
confirm membership status & receive link.
Congratulations to the following amazing volunteers who will service our uw community on the AUC Board of Directors:
Terina Hancock (President) is please to proclaim that:
Dan Ermel is returning as Vice-President for term 2024 - 26
Tom Davies is returning as Treasurer for term 2024 - 26
and in the Election of AUC Board Members
Martin Blackwell for the term: 2024 - 26
Nic Buntman for term 2024 - 26
Mark Faas for term 2024 -26
Allan Keller for term 2024 - 26
Ken Benoy for term 2024 -26
Congratulations to all AUC Volunteer elected at AGM 2024 as returning or new Board Executive or Board Members!
Thank you to those attending & for contributing to the health of our provincial council for scuba diving & underwater sports!
Every year since 1960, the AGM is your opportunity to volunteer, run for office, and to vote! This important event helps shape the AUC for years to come! Hear reports of activities of the AUC for the previous fiscal year - general & financial. This is obviously NOT a scuba diving event but this very important annual event has helped shape the direction of the AUC since 1960 with often visionary volunteers from scuba & u/w clubs, coaches, instructors & dive store owners/staff stepping up each year to run for office. PLUS they have helped to create new AUC programs to keep the AUC viable & to change with the needs of Alberta's underwater dive community and requirements of AB Government Grant programs, AGLC, etc.
Volunteers are much appreciated & always needed, if interested, please contact the AUC Office or a current Board Member near you. But remember, you don't have to volunteer for the AUC Board to come out & vote & socialize with the AUC and those in attendance at the AGM (please RVSP via email:
QUESTIONS ABOUT THE AUC? The current board & staff will be very happy to answer any questions that you may have at the AGM. However, we respectfully request that any major questions, issues, concerns, or suggestions be submitted in writing to the AUC office a minimum of 1-2 weeks prior to help expedite the meeting's tight timeline. Better still, contact current AUC President or AUC Office with questions, concerns, critiques, kudos or suggestions via phone or email anytime during the year.
This is your "Provincial Association" representing your sport - whether it is underwater sports or scuba diving. Don't miss this opportunity to shape it's future & enjoy the benefits of membership to the fullest! To be sure that you're eligible to vote or run for a Board position, check your AUC membership status or be sure to renew in advance here.
Nominations for open board positions required in advance. Fill out the Nomination Form deadline: 2 weeks prior to AGM or contact Cathie at AUC Office for more info.
All AUC Members (must be current member of 6 months or longer) are welcome to run to fill Director at Large Positions however, Executive Officers should have AUC Board experience prior to running for President, Vice-President & Treasurer.
Nominations required in advance (click here for Nomination Form)
or contact AUC Office:,
780-427-9125, Toll Free: 1-888-307-8566
We can't do it without you!
AUC thanks & much appreciation to the following recently serving but now retired AUC's Executive & Board Members:
Tim Barker, Connie Barker, Charlene Barker, Denise Boniface, Lee Burton, Bruce Cleveland, Rhonda Lee Curran, Josh Edwards, Burc Gunes, Mike Hussey, Tony Lamb, Mark Mantei, Greg McCuaig, David Pohl, Brad Pool, Daniel Powell, Heather Rowe, Lisa Shier, Mark Willerth, Wayne Zimmerman.
These volunteers have made many contributions as past members AUC Board of Directors & helped support and direct the AUC since the early 2000's!
AUC acknowledgement & much appreciation to AUC's affiliated u/w hockey and scuba club officers & volunteers for their contributions at their local u/w club level and subsequently to the AUC.
AUC's acknowledgement & appreciation to our supportive LDS - Local AB Dive Shops who have contributed generously to the Council in the past & hopefully continue into the future!