Scuba Diving Clubs in AB
The AUC promotes the development of diving, underwater sports and training clubs in Alberta providing resources and financial assistance for events and activities of its members.
Alberta's Scuba Clubs & Contacts​
Grande Prairie Scuba Group (Grande Prairie) Meetsoften during winter months. Members are starting to organize open water swims at a lake in our neighborhood, perhaps in conjunction with the Fort St. John Scuba Club. New local members welcome! Facebook group pages, ask to join their private FB Group page.
Lakeland Scuba Society (Cold Lake)
The Lakeland SCUBA Society is an inclusive non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the recreational SCUBA diving community; to provide informational and educational activities to those who are engaged in recreational diving; to advocate for divers; to provide a forum for those who are interested in learning more about diving and the underwater environment throughout the Lakeland area. We co-host the Cold Lake Underwater Rodeo with Wet n' Wild Diving Society every August and are organizing a Marina clean-up every September. We meet Wednesday nights at 6pm throughout the summer around the Cold Lake area to dive one of the many sites the lake has to offer. Contact the President, Shawn, at (780) 667-4935 if you're interested in learning more! Find us on FB
Scuba Divers Dinner Group (Calgary Area) Club Info: SDD Group usually meets on once per month at the Emerald Garden Restaurant on the corner of 9th Street and 16th Avenue NW in Calgary at 6 pm for dinner followed by slide/dvd/video presentation at 6:30 pm. The SDD focus is to provide a venue for diving related presentations, be a local contact group for both warm & cold water divers & to cultivate & sustain an interest in the sport of scuba diving. The club hosts anywhere from 18 & up of interested divers for the monthly dinner meetings. Divers within our membership travel extensively & can usually come up with a member who has been to virtually any of the primary diving destinations throughout the world! Contact: Tony Lamb: 403-283-3368 or by email at:
Southern Alberta Scuba Club (Lethbridge)
The Southern Alberta Scuba Club status is inactive at this time.
Underwater Outlaws (Calgary Area)
The Underwater Outlaws is a nonprofit social club that all divers, from Calgary and Southern Alberta, have been looking for. Our social club is dedicated to keeping you, the social diver, out there enjoying our sport and exploring local diving opportunities. To promote enjoyment, fellowship, safety and knowledge among scuba divers and those interested in the underwater world. FUN DIVING for People that want to DIVE. We do not certify or formally train in SCUBA, we leave this up to the many fine diving facilities in Alberta. We do however have many members that are very experienced divers to help you hone your skills. (DiveMasters, Instructors, Etc...). Throughout the year there are many diving and non-diving club functions in and around the Calgary area. Some of the function already planned are a Christmas Party, St. Patty's start-up party, Fathers Day Dive , tour of Lake Minnewanka, Two Jake Lake and Lake Chaparrel, etc. Camping weekends in both Waterton & Banff often include night dives and of course, the lake clean-ups in Spring and Fall, PLUS: annual October Pumpkin Dive.
Wet & Wild Diving Society (Fort McMurray) the Cold Lake Underwater Dive Rodeo, is hosted annually by the Fort McMurray Wet and Wild Diving Society, and assisted by local divers from Cold Lake area (whenever possible). Members in Fort Mac can enjoy monthly meetings/winter socials, local lake cleanups, scuba pool splashes, volunteer opportunities fundraising at the local Casino.
Wing Divers/Twin Lakes (Edmonton & Central Alberta) - Facebook page
Featuring the Twin Lakes Dive Training Facility at Twin Lakes, near Winfield, Hwy 13 West, approx 1.5 hours SW from Edmonton. The Wing Divers Club's volunteers hosts & helps maintain this facility for local divers/club members & instructors to enjoy. Annual event is the Twin Lakes Treasure Hunt & Lake Cleanup (usually held annually on the Saturday of the Father's Day Weekend) each year.
Club Pool Rental Info: Usually Meets at a local Edmonton Aquatic Centre (usually Confederation Pool, usually Sundays (Sept-June) at 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm. Clubs also fundraises at monthly Bingos, AUC Casino & has annual Summer BBQ's & Christmas Party.
Bingo/Casin fundraising by volunteers assists with club activities, support of pool rental & Twin Lakes Dive Training facility.
Alberta's LDS CLUBS - scuba clubs affiliated with our AB LDS (local dive shops)
Alberta Adventure Divers (Wainwright)
Check out the biggest little dive store in the prairies! A full service store, offering courses, equipment sales and service, dive vacations and more. During the summer dive season, join us at Clear Lake near Wainwright for some great diving and socializing. Every Tuesday evening in June, July and August .
Alberta Adventure Divers supports divers at the public beach by bringing out the
world’s largest ‘save a dive kit’: our dive trailer. We supply air fills, help with minor
equipment repairs, we bring your rental equipment to the dive site when booked
in advance, and we offer discover local diving tours of our underwater playground.
Annual events organized by Alberta Adventure Divers include: Women’s Dive Day, Pumpkin Dive & Lake Cleanup, Project Aware Dive Against Debris, Zombie Diver, and Ice Dive. Like us on Facebook, check our website, and sign up for our newsletter to stay informed of local dive events in our area, and dive vacation opportunities.
Contact: Phone: (780) 842-2882; email; website:
AquaDive and Watersports (Calgary) - Dive Nation (FB Group)
At Aqua Dive and Watersports we strive on customer service. That is why we have the best shop crew around. With the best experience, knowledge and friendly advice. We can help you pick out that new gear on your list or just talk about your latest adventure diving or snorkeling. We are also a family owned and operated business and enjoy an on-site heated pool. Contact us at 587-353-3483,
Jump in the pool to blow some bubbles with your buddy or join a certified refresher to hone your skills before your next dive trip. Pool time available through Ocean Sports at Kinsmen Sherwood Park Aquatics. Note change of address!
Contact us for more information (780)-432-1904) or
If you're looking to get certified, get into local diving, travel, freediving, or join the dark side as a dive professional - we would be excited to have you join us. Our instructional team is out diving and freediving on the regular (yes, even in wetsuits under ice), and we are lucky to have such knowledgeable people on our team. We strive to be the shop we would want to hang out at. Our approach is to train our divers to focus on safe diving practices, keep diving, get them into the right gear and be the ultimate enablers for the local water-loving community. Join in the fun at our many local dive events & lake cleanups. Contact us: Phone: +1 403.243.4616, E-mail:
The Dive Outfitters (Edmonton)
Believe it or not, Alberta has a very large dive community. Head to one of the lakes in
Jasper or Banff on a summer weekend and you will probably see dozens of divers
gathering along the shore and in the water diving. What is there to see? Well that
depends on who you ask and where you go. Obviously the marine life isn't quite the
same as the tropics or even on the coast. However, Jasper is a great place to get scuba
certified, practice your scuba diving skills, take an advanced or specialty scuba course,
and get comfortable and confident with your dive skills. Then when you venture to the
tropics or Vancouver Island, not only will you experience some awesome scuba diving,
but you’ll be more comfortable and confident making for a very positive and memorable
experience. As the saying goes, “if you can dive in Alberta, you can dive anywhere!”
Dive in with our local fun divers at Camp 'n Dive Weekends in Jasper, AB with
The Dive Outfitters.
2024 dates: May Long Weekend, plus many more monthly summer weekends: June 22/23, July 20/21,
Aug 24/25. Sept 21/22, 2024
Also watch for more local dive events, our famous Poker Dive @Twin Lakes, now on Sept 9/2, club trips, etc. for 2024 & beyond.
Contact TDO: Ph: (780) 483-0044, website: